Seconds Count: Dig Out Fire Hydrants Near Your Home Or Business

Northwest Iowa — With the recent snowfall comes a reminder to help out firefighters and your neighbors by digging out fire hydrants.

Fire officials say when there’s a fire, there’s no time to lose. There are a number of fire hydrants that have been buried with the snow or from the plows pushing the snow back. Firefighters and your neighbors would appreciate any help with digging out the fire hydrants and making them accessible to firefighters when seconds count.

Of course in an emergency, time is very critical to find and access the hydrants, and if they’re covered in snow, not only are they hard to find, but firefighters have to waste precious time digging out the hydrant before it can be used.

Fire officials say it takes less than ten minutes to dig out your neighborhood fire hydrant. While ten minutes isn’t very much time out of an average person’s day, it is ten minutes that could mean tragedy in a fire.

They ask that you dig out a 3-foot area around the hydrant and a path to the street.

Fire officials ask everyone to please take a few moments to dig out the fire hydrant closest to their house or business.

