Sheldon Area Landfill To Accept Poultry

Sheldon, Iowa — Some of the dead birds from the bird flu outbreak will be buried near Sheldon.

The Northwest Iowa Solid Waste Agency Landfill north of Hospers will be accepting truckloads of euthanized birds at its facility.

Landfill Compactor (generic file photo)
Landfill Compactor (generic file photo)

We talked to landfill director Larry Oldenkamp, and he says they signed a contract on Tuesday, May 19th to accept four million pounds of dead birds from flocks that were destroyed after Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza was found in the flock. He says the birds will be placed in large bags, and then loaded onto roll off dumpsters for transport to the landfill for disposal.

The birds will be kept separate of other refuse, and will be buried in a segregated area of the landfill, he says. According to Oldenkamp, the bird carcasses will be transported by a USDA contractor, along pre-approved routes.

He says trucks moving the birds will be disinfected at the poultry barn, they’ll be kept separate from other traffic at the landfill, and then the trucks will be disinfected before they leave the grounds as well.

