Sheldon City Council Approves Changing Minimum Assessment Agreement For Lot In Sunshine Addition

Sheldon, Iowa — The Sheldon City Council met in regular session on Wednesday afternoon in the council chambers at the Sheldon Community Services Center across 9th Street from KIWA Radio.

They approved the consent agenda, which included minutes from the previous meeting, the list of claims, financial reports, the approval of a fire applicant, and a resolution approving a banking services agreement with Peoples Bank.

In new business, the council discussed the 2024 PCC patching project. The original bids on the project were rejected on September 4. The council approved the new bid letting date for January 29th and the plans and specifications for the project at the meeting. The project is on East 2nd Street, west of Country Club Road.

The council also discussed the public recycling container at De Kruif Disposal. Mark Gurtler of De Kruif says that they are seeking to raise the rate of dumping the container to $100 per time, increasing the city’s share from $37.50 to $50. Council Member Tom Eggers mentioned that he’d like to put the extra money toward getting every residence a recycling container, but the motion to accept the new rate passed unanimously.

The council also heard from the Sheldon High School CAPS team (that’s Center for Advanced Professional Studies), and are considering their idea to place a decorative arch and signage pointing people on Highway 18 toward the community’s downtown business district — at 421 3rd Avenue.

The council voted to approve changing the minimum assessment on residential property in the Sunshine Addition, owned by Mike Klemme as Oak Tree Properties. There was some disagreement on whether the original minimum assessment of $100,000 should apply or a $200,000 assessment that was agreed to by a previous owner. Klemme also had requested that no minimum assessment should apply. Attorneys for both sides drafted an agreement in which the $100,000 assessment would apply, and the council approved it.

The council heard a report from Children’s World, the community daycare. It was noted that enrollment went up from 145 children last year to 162 this year. There is a proposal on the table for the City to buy down the hourly rate a dollar per hour for parents of infants; with an idea of businesses also possibly helping pay the rate for their employees. Council Member Tom Eggers mentioned there are also private daycares and wondered how that fits in the picture. The matter will continue to be discussed.

The council then went into closed session to discuss employment conditions.

Click here for the agenda.
