Sheldon City Manager Clarifies Comments About HomeServe USA

Sheldon, Iowa — Sheldon City Manager Scott Wynja is clarifying his comments about a company’s offer possibly being a scam. About a week ago, Wynja sent KIWA a message about HomeServe USA, and letters that this company was sending out in regard to insurance that can be purchased to protect from expenses incurred by having to replace a broken water service line.water valve main_sxc

Wynja received a message from HomeServe USA, explaining who they were and what they do. Wynja says he did not mean to call HomeServe USA’s reputation into question, but since the city had not been contacted by HomeServe, he encouraged homeowners to contact the company directly for more information and to conduct their own research.

Wynja says that due to the large volume of calls they were receiving about the wording of the letter at the city office, he felt it was necessary to tell the public that the mailing was not endorsed by the city and that people should make up their own minds about the company’s services.



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