Sheldon City-Wide Cleanup Days Has Been Rescheduled

Sheldon, Iowa — Normally, in the spring of the year, the City of Sheldon holds their annual City-Wide Cleanup Days, a time when Sheldon residents can buy a flag from the City, and city crews come around and haul away the discarded items those residents have piled on the curb in front of their residence. This year, however, the annual ritual of springtime was postponed, much like most other events in the area, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. But now, the City has rescheduled City-Wide Cleanup Days for mid-September.

Sheldon City Manager Sam Kooiker tells KIWA that there will be a couple of changes to this year’s Cleanup Days, the most noticeable being the absence of those little wire flags in people’s front lawns.

(As above) “We’ll be selling the flags virtually this year, we won’t be selling the wire flags. We’ll be keeping a list here, (and) we’ll have a form that people can fill out and drop it in the Utility Box.”

Kooiker says the virtual flags will go on sale in August.

(As above) “We plan to have a clean up day tags for sale in August, and then two weeks after Celebration Days, mid-September, we plan on doing the pickup.”

He says the forms to get your name on the list for pickup, will be available in a couple of different places within a few weeks.

(As above) “They’ll be available online and will also put them in the utility billing as we get closer.”

Kooiker says more information on Sheldon’s City-Wide Cleanup Days will be coming in the near future.



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