Sheldon Council Approves New SCDC Director

Sheldon, Iowa — Sheldon has a new SCDC Executive Director.

The Sheldon City Council approved the hiring of Tania Herrera Gonzalez to fill the position left when Curt Strouth left to become the CEO of the Iowa Lakes Corridor Development Corporation. Mark Brown has been helping out in the interim, especially since the chamber director and executive assistant positions were both open as well.

In other business at their meeting on Wednesday, the Sheldon City Council approved the consent agenda, which paid the bills, approved the minutes of the last couple of meetings, changed the July meetings from the 3rd and 17th to the 10th and 24th; Renewed a liquor license for Main Street 3 Theater; approved an amendment to KwikStar’s alcohol license, changing finance officers; Authorized a Region III application for the 2028 2nd Ave street project funding; approved a resolution authorizing Ag Deferments, approved a sewer line agreement, approved a couple of temporary sidewalk easements, authorized mini rod tractor pulls for June 1 and August 31, approved Lori Watson as a full-time paramedic, approved the North Hangar contract, approved a student SCAT applicant, and approved Keith Vaandrager’s re-appointment to the Sheldon Fire Company.

In new business, besides considering Herrera Gonzales as SCDC director, the council approved a new airport farm lease.

SCDC Interim Director Mark Brown tells us about one of new SCDC Executive Director Tania Herrera Gonzalez’s references.

He tells us they’re going to surround her with a team to help her get started.

Brown says he is happy to help too in any way for the next six months or so.

Herrera Gonzalez introduced herself to the council and says she’s eager to get started.

Click here for the full agenda.


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