Sheldon Council To Meet Wednesday

Sheldon, Iowa — When the Sheldon City Council meets Wednesday afternoon (May 18th) they’ll hold a pair of public hearings and 1st and 2nd readings of various ordinances on their agenda.

The first public hearing on the council’s agenda will involve the proposed Jinkinson 3rd Addition, which is located adjacent to East 9th Street. The other public hearing will be on an amendment to the City budget.

In other action, the Council is scheduled to hold the 2nd reading of an ordinance that  would raise sewer rates in the city. The rate increase would go into effect July 1st.

The Sheldon City Council is also scheduled to hold the 1st reading of an ordinance amending provisions pertaining to the Sheldon Fire Department. And they’ll also hold the 1st reading of an ordinance amending the Airport Commission chapter.

Public Works Director Todd Uhl is expected to give the Council an update on the sewer collection system improvements. The Council is also expected to approve the new minimum assessment for the property located at 711 11th Street.

Wednesday’s meeting of the Sheldon City Council will be called to order at 4:30 pm in Council Chambers at the Sheldon Community Services Center. The meeting is open to the public, but if you can’t attend in person, you can view the live video feed via the City’s YouTube Live channel.

The complete agenda for Wednesday’s meeting may be viewed by CLICKING HERE.
