Sheldon Council To Meet Wednesday

Sheldon, Iowa — For the second consecutive week, the Sheldon City Council will meet in regular session this Wednesday afternoon, July 19th. The meetings on consecutive Wednesdays came about when the July 5th regular meeting was postponed one week due to the proximity with the Independence Day holiday.

The Consent Agenda for this week’s Sheldon City Council meeting includes the reappointments of Mark Poyzer and Lisa Stammer to the Museum Board, as well as the reappointment of Fred Grein to Planning and Zoning. The Council is also expected to approve a Landfill Participation Collector’s Agreement, which will replace the agreement made in 1994. They’re also expected to accept the resignation of Tanner Moser as Police Department Secretary, among other items. All of the items on the Consent Agenda are handled with a single vote of the Council.

In other action, the Council is expected to take up the Garbage and Recycling Contract and future of the downtown recycling container, which is currently scheduled for removal on January 3rd of next year.

They’re also scheduled for a report from Kiana Johnson of O’Brien County Economic Development, as well as discuss a 28E Agreement with the Sheldon Community Schools for a police officer to act as a Student Resource Officer for the school district.

The Council will also be updated on the ongoing update to the Sheldon Code of Ordinances.

Wednesday’s meeting of the Sheldon City Council will be called to order at 4:30 pm in Council Chambers of the Sheldon Community Services Center.  The meeting is open to the public, but if you can’t attend in person, you can watch the proceedings via YouTube Live.

To view the complete agenda for Wednesday’s meeting, please CLICK HERE.

