Sheldon End of Year School Arrangements Announced

Sheldon, Iowa — The Sheldon Community School District’s School Board met Thursday at 5:00 pm in special session by means of an online source.

In the meeting, the Board approved an updated Resolution of the Pandemic Response and Emergency Suspension of Policy. The updated resolution means that 5 days may be taken from the end of this calendar school year and added to the beginning of the 2020-21 calendar year, which will result in an August 12, 2020 start date as opposed to August 23rd. Sheldon’s last of school will officially be May 15, 2020, and the change will also allow for the schools to finish the first semester of the 20-21 school year before the Christmas break. In the event that the current safety measures have not been lifted by August 12, alternate calendars will be considered at that time.

Arrangements will be made for the parents of students at East Elementary to pick up their children’s belongings, tentatively on May 12th or 13th. Middle and high school students will have the option to keep their Chromebooks during the summer break, or they may return them to school and pick up any remaining belongings with those dates tentatively set as May 18th through May 20th.

In an effort to allow Sheldon Seniors to still participate in some of their highly anticipated end of year activities, prom has been scheduled to be held at the Sheldon Crossroads Pavilion Event Center on Thursday, June 18th, 2020. Graduation commencement is scheduled for Sunday, June 28th, with an alternate date of Sunday, July 19th, should safety measures still be in place in June. In addition, an end of the year awards ceremony will still be held Mid-May, and will take place virtually. As far as summer sports and summer theater are concerned, the school is waiting for more information from the Athletic Association, which should be out no later than June 1st.

The Orab Grab n’ Go meals will be extended for the months of May and June in the same manner as they are currently, with the potential to be extended further. In addition, the Sheldon Community School District had applied for a summer food program before the shutdown, and they have received word that it has been approved for at least the next 5 years.

Parents of students in the Sheldon Community School District should be watching for an email from Superintendent Cory Myer with details and more information in the next day or so.

