Sheldon High School Prom Is This Weekend

Sheldon, Iowa — Thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic, there hasn’t been a Sheldon High School Prom for two years. But this Saturday, Orab juniors and seniors will be able to experience all the activities that make prom memories so special.

Nichole Freeman is one of the Prom 2021 committee members and she tells us that one of Sheldon’s prom traditions will begin this year’s festivities.

(As above) “This year, what we’re going to do is have the Grand March at the high school. And the Grand March starts at 6:00 o’clock. We’ll just run all the kids through, then we have a little Social Hour in the commons afterwards.”

Doors for the Grand March will open at 5:30 Saturday afternoon. But if you can’t make it in person, Freeman says you can view it live, online.

(As above) “It’s going to be livestreamed for those who can’t make it, or would just prefer to watch it from the comfort of their own home. That’s actually a really good thing to have!”

Following the Grand March and social hour at the high school, she says there will be a procession from the high school to the Crossroads Pavilion Event Center.

(As above) “Julie Becker has been instrumental in getting all that lined up. The kids take their route from the school to the Pavilion. Julie has been working with Wayne (Barahona from Sheldon EMA) and the City Council and the City Manager and the Chief of Police, and they’ve been really helpful in getting her to get that all lined up so these kids all have the same route to take.” 

Freeman talks about what happens once the  group arrives at the Crossroads Pavilion.

(As above) “When they get to the Pavilion, there will be valet parkers out there, and they can just pull up to that front door, then get their vehicle valet parked for them. When they go inside the Pavilion, and have just a little bit of a social hour prior to the banquet beginning.”

After enjoying the catered banquet and the dance, Freeman says it’ll be time for After Prom activities.

(As above) “They head to the middle school, which is where the After Prom starts up. After Prom, I believe, starts around midnight and the kids have until 12:30 and at that point doors are locked. After Prom goes until roughly 4:00 am.”

Below you’ll find a link to watch the Sheldon Prom Grand March online, as well as a link to the map indicating the route of the procession from the high school to the Crossroads Pavilion. Freeman says you’re welcome to come out and watch that procession.

Livestream of 2021 Sheldon Prom Grand March

CLICK HERE for map of Prom procession from Sheldon High School to the Crossroads Pavilion Event Center.

