Sheldon Crossroads Pavilion Holding Bridal Fair November 6th

Sheldon, Iowa — Brides to be can stop stressing about the big day, at least for one day, and have all their questions answered in one stop.

Sheldon’s Crossroads Pavilion Events Center is holding a free event, A Pavilion Proposal Bridal Fair, on November 6th. Trisha Meendering, general manager at the Pavilion Events Center, tells KIWA that doors will open at one o’clock and the event will go until three-thirty.

Meendering tells us about what vendors will be at the event.

When KIWA asked what companies were coming she had this to say.

But Meendering would tell us, though she didn’t know what they would bring with them it would be worth coming in to see.

She says that brides-to-be should pre-register for the Bridal Fair.

To pre-register visit If you forget, or run out of time, to pre-register make sure you sign up at the door. If you sign up you’re name will go into drawing for many door prizes throughout the Bridal Fair.

Meendering wanted to add for brides-to-be to bring their support group.

The Pavilion Proposal Bridal Fair will be on November 6th from one o’clock until three-thirty at the Crossroads Pavilion Events Center in Sheldon.



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