Sheldon Sewer Rates Will Increase 3% Effective Next Month

Sheldon, Iowa — It’s official, sewer rates in Sheldon will increase by three percent beginning next month.

At their regular meeting Wednesday, the City Council approved the second reading of the ordinance raising the sewer rates, and opted to waive the third reading. As a result, that increase will go into effect July 1st.

In other action, following a public hearing in which no comments were offered, the Council accepted the bid of Bainbridge Construction, LLC, of Kingsley, for sewer collection system improvements, in the amount of $785,105.60. The City’s engineering firm for the project, DGR Engineering, estimates a July 15, 2022 final completion date.

The Council also approved several agenda items by way of a Consent Agenda, which allows the Council to approve multiple measures with a single vote. Consent Agenda approval items included: the resignation of Austin Klett as EMA Assistant Director; approval of the Rural Housing Assessment Grant agreement and authorizing the expenditure of that $10,000 grant for a program fee agreement with Iowa State University; approval of a resolution directing the acceptance of the purchase of $1.1-million in general obligation bonds to pay for infrastructure in the Crossroads North Addition, along with other Consent Agenda items.

In other action, the Council scheduled a special meeting for 6:00 pm Tuesday, June 29th, for the purpose of discussing the replacement of the Fire Department’s former aerial ladder truck, which was heavily damaged in a collision with a tree limb back in March. The City’s insurer calculated that the cost of repairing the ladder unit exceeded the value of the truck. In the interim, at their last meeting, the Council opted to lease a ladder truck for up to a year, giving  them the time to secure a replacement vehicle. The City’s insurer will pay for the lease on the rental truck, up to a total of $100,000.

At the end of the regular agenda, the Council entered into closed session for the purpose of a City Manager evaluation.
