Sibley, Iowa — Because of population realignment, it looks like the Sibley-Ocheyeden Community School District is going to have to go through a re-districting process.
Superintendent James Craig tells us the Sibley-Ocheyedan Board of Directors will meet Tuesday, April 11, 2023, for a public hearing regarding redistricting. Following the census, which takes place every ten years, school districts must ensure their director districts have consistent populations. This process involves consulting with firms that follow districting laws and provide the school district with viable options according to those laws.
Sibley-Ocheyedan has five director districts. Each of those districts must have the same number of residents within 10% of the total district population divided by 5. After the 2020 census, Sibley-Ocheyedan Community School District has a total of 4,528 residents. Divided by 5, the ideal director district population is 906. All director districts must be within 10% above or below 906.
District 1 is the southern and western parts of Sibley. District 2 is the northeastern part of Sibley. District 3 is the southeast portion of Sibley. District 4 includes Ocheyedan and approximately the eastern one-third of the district. District 5 includes the western two-thirds of the district, not including Districts 1, 2, and 3.
Craig says that because the current district map would not meet population requirements, Sibley-Ocheyedan is required to go through the redistricting process.
On April 11, the Board of Directors will consider the three plans. All three plans change enough that a director will be removed from their seat. Two of the three plans submitted for consideration change District 3, which would cause Jamie Arend to be removed because he would not live in the Director District. One option changes District 2, which would cause Kyle Grimes to be removed because he would not live in the Director District.
At the public hearing on April 11, community members can ask questions regarding the process and provide comments to the board regarding redistricting. The Board of Directors will consider approval of one of the redistricting options during the regular board meeting following the public hearing. The approved director District plan will be sent to the Iowa Secretary of State office by May 15 and goes into effect immediately. Questions prior to the hearing should be directed to Superintendent James Craig.