UPDATE: No Extra Sibley Pool Public Meetings Scheduled

Sibley, Iowa — The Sibley City Council has decided not to offer another night for a public forum regarding the Osceola County Aquatic Center vote.

After the council on Monday considered an additional night due to many parents being busy this Wednesday night, Sibley City Clerk Susan Sembach says they decided against it at this time. She says the public is encouraged to attend one of the three available evenings. According to Sembach, te forum nights will be relatively the same format each night. She says these nights are for the public to come and ask questions and learn about the project itself.

According to Sembach, in order to have a pool next year, the bond referendum must pass, and she says, “That’s up to the public, so we highly encourage everyone to come out and learn as much as they can about the project.”

The public forum nights will be on Wednesday, September 27th; Wednesday, October 18th; and Wednesday, November 1st. She says all meetings will tentatively be held at Mulligans at 6 p.m.

Sembach says that the public is also encouraged to email questions or drop them off in writing to City Hall at 808 Third Avenue. They can be emailed to sibleyadmin@premieronline.net.
Original story posted September 25, 2017 at 4:39 p.m.:
Sibley, Iowa — Along with municipal candidates, the city of Sibley will have a ballot question for the November election. Voters will be asked whether the city should issue general obligation loan notes in the amount of 1.6 million dollars for improving the city pool.

Three public forums are coming up at which people can get more information. According to Sibley City Clerk Susan Sembach, the pool forums are public meetings that will be held at Mulligan’s, the clubhouse at the golf course. Right now, three meetings are scheduled — on Wednesday, September 27th; Wednesday, October 18th; and Wednesday, November 1st. She says the forums are being held to give the public a chance to speak with and ask questions of engineers, city officials, department heads, and others in relation to the upcoming pool project and the public vote in November.

The Sibley City Council is scheduled to talk about the forums tonight at their regular meeting because it was brought to the attention of city officials that Wednesday night is not an available night for many parents due to other activities says Sembach. So it’s been requested that council have an additional meeting on another evening so more parents are available to attend.

Members of the Osceola County Aquatic Center Committee say that the plan is to re-use some of the pool items, but have an almost entirely new pool.

