Sioux County Democrats Draft List Of Organizational Values

Sioux Center, Iowa — The Sioux County Democrats have come up with a list of values.

We are told that at their meeting last week, the Central Committee of the Sioux County Democrats approved a list of nine organizational values.

Sioux County Chair Anita Cirulis said, “As county leaders, we wanted to articulate standards that could direct our activities and help others know who we are as an organization.”

The list was discussed and refined over a period of months. The approved version says,

“As a county-based political organization, we seek to—

Treat all people with dignity and equity;
Conduct civil, fact-based discourse;
Facilitate inclusion of all people in the political process;
Support diverse representation in political leadership;
Promote policy based on evidence and the common good;
Provide education on political issues;
Use our resources with stewardship and accountability;
Practice environmental stewardship and sustainability; and
Search for common ground and potential partnerships.”.

The information comes from a statement from Cirulis released on Sunday, April 11th. She says for more information, you can contact her at



More Winter Weather Headed Our Way

Northwest Iowa — Yet another winter storm will impact the region tonight (Thurs) into Friday. The National Weather Service has issued

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More Winter Weather Headed Our Way

Northwest Iowa — Yet another winter storm will impact the region tonight (Thurs) into Friday. The National Weather Service has issued