St. Paul Lutheran Church Welcomes New Pastor

Sheldon, Iowa — For the first time in just over a year, St. Paul Lutheran Church in Sheldon once again has a permanent, full-time pastor. The church has been served by guest pastors since the departure of Pastor Craig Nissen, who left last July to accept the pastorate at a church in Montana.

This past Sunday, July 19th, was the first service with St. Paul Lutheran’s new pastor, Dan Baker. KIWA talked with Pastor Dan, and asked him about his roots.

Pastor Dan says he ministered in a camp setting prior to accepting the call to come to Sheldon.

He says he believes that his background in both camp and church settings will serve him well here in northwest Iowa.

Baker and his wife have two children.

He says his wife is looking forward to the “southern climate” here.

Pastor Dan says he and his wife grew up just 8 miles apart, but never met until college, when they both worked at the same southern Minnesota canning plant.

