Students Can Expect Many New Faces This Fall

Sheldon, Iowa – The Sheldon Community Schools Board met in regular session on Wednesday, March 11th at 5:00 pm in the high school library.

Teacher Gene Bomgaars presented information about a cooperative welding class between the high school and NCC. Students learn some fundamental skills at the high school with Bomgaars and then get further welding experience at NCC. Students then participate in on the job experience at three local businesses: Demco, Maintainer, and Rosenboom. Junior Cole Strouth shared how the experience has helped him improve his skills and reinforce the career path he hopes to take after high school.

There were five open enrollments, three resignations, four contract adjustments, and nine contracts offered, all of which were approved by the Board. Parent teacher conferences will take place on the 17th and 19th of this month at East Elementary, as well as at the middle and high schools.

There will be lots of new faces in the Sheldon school system this coming Fall. The following changes in positions will take place for the 2020-21 school year:

East Elementary Middle School High School
3rd/4th Title I & Resource Room – Faith Anderson 5th/6th Grade Science – Carson Marco Math – Toby Maggert
7th/8th Grade Social Studies – Justin TeGrotenhuis
2nd Grade – Samantha Kleinwolterink Art/Health – VACANT Agriculture Education – Jacob Fox
Guidance – VACANT
1st Grade – Madison Sandbulte Special Education – Ruth Vogel (transfer from HS) PE & Health – Tyler Lloyd (transfer from MS)
Title I Reading – Rachel Jurgens (transfer from Special Education)

Superintendent Cory Myer presented the 2020-2021 school budget at the meeting. Myer also shared that Sheldon Community School District was selected as Iowa’s example of high-quality digital learning in action in Iowa. And the results of the IEP-Student Tracking and Reporting System (I-STAR) are back and the Sheldon Community School District was found to be in 100% compliance of all Federal and State of Iowa Indicator 13 Standards.

In new business, the Board approved the following tentative terms for the Collective Bargaining Agreement between Sheldon CSD and Sheldon Education Association: a $248 increase in the base salary of each education lane, a $100 increase in the co-curricular calculator, and a one-year contract. District cost without figuring insurance will be  $124,078, or 2.19%, District cost including insurance will be $161,871, or 2.57%. Teacher and co-curricular contracts for next year were approved, as was a bid for installation of a new phone system and computer purchases.

The next regular meeting for the Sheldon Community Schools Board is set for Wednesday, April 8th, 2020, at 5:00 pm in the High school library.


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