Des Moines, Iowa — The Iowa Supreme Court heard oral arguments yesterday (Tuesday) on whether a law passed in 2018 banning abortions after six weeks of pregnancy should be allowed to take effect.
Christopher Schandevel, argued for the state, saying the injunction should be lifted based on state and federal rulings that abortion is not a constitutional right.
Schandevel says the legislature has a rational conceivable basis for the law, which is the state’s interest in protecting and preserving fetal life.
He says the district court wrongly ruled that it could not dissolve the injunction.
Peter Im presented the arguments for Planned Parenthood.
The justices raised several questions about why the injunction couldn’t be dissolved based on the new rulings on abortion. Im responded.
Im says this case would set a new precedent on the issue.
Abortion is now legal for up to 20 weeks of pregnancy in Iowa. The Supreme Court will issue a ruling at a later date.