Surveys In, Sessions With Architects For Proposed Rock Valley High School Planned

Rock Valley, Iowa — Now that the school election is over, Rock Valley Community School District officials can focus on a bigger task — working out some preliminary details of a proposed building project.

We talked with Rock Valley Superintendent Chad Janzen, who gives us some information about what to expect in the near future.

Janzen says there’s no question as to if the building project is needed. He says they are simply out of space.

He says they have really used every nook and cranny in the building.

He says the growth is due not only to the increased population in the district but also to a changing population.

Janzen gives us some of the results of a survey they took this fall about the possibility of a building project.

According to Janzen, they would be able to bond for $16 million without raising taxes because they are about to pay off their elementary debt, two years early. He says as a result of increased valuations in property, they can bond for up to $16 million for the new high school and no one’s taxes will go up. An election is tentatively scheduled for March, 2022.

Again, the architects will be in the building on Monday, November 15th, and Tuesday, November 16th, and everyone in the district is invited to come and give their input. Janzen says they will be there from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. both days.

More results from the survey, according to Janzen:

•95% would support construction west of HS building
•97% would vote for $16 million dollar bond knowing taxes would not increase
•76% supported a bond of some number over $16 million (22% supported $20 million & 25% supported over $25 million
•Top 5 answers when asked to prioritized projects for the bond:
80% new general education classrooms
73% remodel existing MS/HS for middle school classes
63.07% replace remaining rooftop unit
58.79% new auditorium
41.35% for a competition gym
39.24 for a practice gym



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