Northwest Iowa — These days it’s becoming easier and easier for scammers and hackers to get personal information.
Here are a few general tips to avoid your personal information from getting into the wrong hands.
Use multi-factor authentication. Many websites offer multi-factor authentication these days, which involves adding your mobile number or different e-mail address so you can receive a unique code before logging in. This code is different every time you log in, that way it is harder for hackers to figure it out. If you want an extra layer of protection consider using something like Google Authenticator.
Use stronger passwords and a password manager. Get into the habit of changing passwords frequently, this will make it harder for hackers to figure out your password. Also, never use any part of your name, the year you were born, your kids’ names, or anything simple to guess. Never use the same password for multiple sites. A password manager will store your passwords so you don’t have to remember every one of them, which will allow you to use long, unique passwords.
Beware of phishers. Phishers can come from phone calls, e-mails, or text messages. If you get a phone call from someone pushing you for personal information, hang up and call the company they claimed to be with directly. Do not just hit redial, look up the number on the company’s website. Never open e-mails, text messages, or answer calls from people or organizations you don’t know. If you get a phishing phone call, text message, or e-mail you can report it to the FTC.
Download software updates. Software updates can protect against security threats. According to CNBC, cybersecurity experts advise not to wait longer than a week to download updates.
Back up your documents. You can back up your documents to the cloud or on a hard drive, that way you don’t lose all your documents if your security is breached.
Use secure Wi-Fi. Public Wi-Fi and public computers can make you vulnerable to fraudsters. Never share personal information on public Wi-Fi or a public computer. If you don’t have your own Wi-Fi or computer ask someone you trust to use theirs, such as a family member or a close friend.
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