Sheldon, Iowa — When the Sheldon City Council meets this Wednesday, December 2nd, they will hold three public hearings. The first will be on a zoning ordinance amendment regarding storage sheds in areas zoned Arterial Commercial. The second will be on a three-year lease of the airport farm land with Joel Hengeveld. And the third is a hearing on a request from KIWA Radio for approval of an access easement to the station’s tower site.
In other New Business, Public Works Director Todd Uhl will present plans for street improvements in the coming year. The council will also be asked to ratify an offer to Dan Crawley who is a candidate for a position with the Sheldon Police Department.
Several items will be listed on the Consent Agenda and will all be acted upon with one vote, unless a council member requests discussion on a certain item. The Consent Agenda includes a resolution to accept a DNR Volunteer Fire Assistance grant to help purchase a hand held radio and four pagers. There will also be the re-appointment of Brad Hindt to the Northwest Iowa Landfill Board, and approval of Jeremiah Postma to join the Fire Department. Another resolution to consider is the release of Trails Committee funds for the engineering and grant writing for the extension of the recreational trail around the pond in Crossroads Park. It has been noted that these are considered public funds, but are not funds created through taxation. It has been suggested that this might be a good time to consider a trail expansion since, during the pandemic, trails have become a popular way to maintain social distancing while exercising.
Wednesday’s Council meeting begins at 4:30 in the upper level of the Sheldon Community Services Center. While the meetings are open to the public, you are encouraged to take part online via Zoom. To join the Sheldon City Council Meeting via Zoom, CLICK HERE.