Trooper: Fans Don’t Let Fans Drive Drunk

Northwest Iowa — The big game is this weekend, and even some people who aren’t into football that much will be watching the game and celebrating or commiserating with their friends, depending on the outcome.

Iowa State Patrol Trooper Kevin Krull says there’s a lot of planning that goes into the parties.

He says if you are planning to drink, find someone sober to give you a ride.

Krull says 37 percent of fatal car crashes in Iowa in the last five years are due to impaired driving. He says distracted driving and high speeds are also big factors.

He says the theme of their effort this year is “Fans Don’t Let Fans Drive Drunk.”

He says if you have to ask yourself if you’re OK to drive, you’re not. Don’t risk it. By getting a ride, you could save someone’s life.

Trooper Krull made his comments on Thursday on the KIWA Talk of the Town Program, which can be heard on weekday mornings at 8:30 on KIWA-FM 105.3. We also post a podcast of every Talk of The Town Program, and you can find those by clicking here.


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