Twenty-Six Projects Get Riverboat Mini-Grants

Larchwood, Iowa — It’s been a while since they have announced new grants, but the Lyon County Riverboat Foundation is back at it. And 26 non-profit projects received funding at a ceremony at Grand Falls Casino.

The casino near Larchwood reopened after a COVID break this spring on June 1, 2020 and Riverboat Foundation officials tell us that monthly revenues have been record-breaking, with some months topping $220,000. They say the riverboat foundation decided that is a good enough indication that the country is trying to get back to normal so they thought the foundation should as well.

Their board voted back in July to host a Fall Mini-Grant Cycle, in which $50,000 would be given away on November 5th, 2020. They tell us that mini-grants are meant to help non-profit organizations complete a small project; awards up to $2000 can be secured.

Foundation officials tell us they received 60 applications from neighboring organizations, which include out-of-county and out-of-state applicants. The president of the Lyon County Riverboat Foundation, Jerry Keizer says, “It feels good to get back to normalcy.”

The Lyon County Riverboat Foundation is the non-profit license holder for Grand Falls Casino and Golf Resort located west of Larchwood.

Grant ID Organization Project Title Total Project Costs Matching Amount LCRF Request
M2020-3 Luverne Initiatives for Tomorrow Chair project 3000 1000 2000
M2020-6 Project Youth Daycare Furnishings 2000 0 2000
M2020-8 RR Development Corp (RRDC) Marketing Promotion 2000 0 2000
M2020-9 Osceola County Sheriff’s Office Watchguard Body Cameras 2000 0 2000
M2020-10 William Allard Vets 7373 Window Replacement 2000 0 2000
M2020-11 Northwest Iowa Economic Dev Jobs Promotion 2200 200 2000
M2020-14 Mustang Sports Boosters Weight room equipment upgrade 2000 0 2000
M2020-18 Lyon County Ambulance Scoop Stretchers 1251 0 1251
M2020-19 George Kiwanis Club Weekend Food Program 2000 0 2000
M2020-23 Rock Rapids Chamber Community Betterment 2000 0 2000
M2020-25 Granite threshers Assn. Memorial Garden Concrete 2000 0 2000
M2020-27 Rock Rapids Mural Society Restoration of Murals 2000 0 2000
M2020-28 Rapids Theatre Preservation Marketing and Fund Raising 2000 0 2000
M2020-29 Larchwood Public Library Computers 3000 1000 2000
M2020-32 Little Rock Township Road retainer 2000 0 2000
M2020-34 Elgin Stars 4-H Club annual flower planting 2000 0 2000
M2020-36 Sibley Public library MavBook 2466 466 2000
M2020-37 Alvord Fire and Rescue Safety Equipment 2160 160 2000
M2020-40 Larchwood Fire Dept SCBA Tanks 2000 0 2000
M2020-41 Family Visitation center Technology Needs 5500 3500 2000
M2020-47 George Community Day Care Center Technology Needs 4000 2000 2000
M2020-48 Lyon County Conservation Foundation Education Supply replacement 2000 0 2000
M2020-50 Rock Rapids Kids Club Maintenance 2000 0 2000
M2020-54 City of Rock Rapids Office Furniture 2532 532 2000
M2020-55 Lyon County Fair Assn. Sound System 2000 0 2000
M2020-56 Ocheydan Public Library Technology Update 1850 0 1850


Larchwood Dairy Gets $100,000 Grant

Des Moines, Iowa — Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Mike Naig has announced that 15 Iowa dairy projects have been awarded Choose Iowa Dairy Innovation Grants. And

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