Uhl: If We Don’t Get Some More Rain, Mandatory Water Restrictions Are Next In Sheldon

Sheldon, Iowa — The municipal water situation in Sheldon is not improving. That from Sheldon Public Works Director Todd Uhl.

Uhl tells us that it’s not an emergency situation yet, but things are going slowly in the wrong direction and strong mandatory restrictions may be on the horizon.

He gives us a few details.

Uhl says “mandatory restrictions” in Sheldon’s case are no small matter like they may be in other towns. He tells us what “mandatory restrictions” would entail, should they be enacted.

He gives us a little perspective.

Uhl says relief would probably come in the form of increased precipitation, but the Lewis & Clark Regional Water System is due in Sheldon at the end of 2023 or for sure by 2024, and he says that would also help the situation.

