Update On Virtual Flag & Appliance & Electronics Sales For Clean Up Week

Sheldon, Iowa — Sheldon’s annual Clean Up Week will begin on Monday, September 14th, and virtual flags are available now from the Sheldon City Office.

Sheldon City Manager Sam Kooiker says that as of Friday morning, August 14th, 63 virtual flags and 39 appliance and electronics stickers had been sold to Sheldon residents for Clean Up Week.  Deadline for purchase is Tuesday, September 8th.

Kooiker says last year 316 flags and 236 appliance & electronic stickers were sold. That number shattered the 2018 record of 220 flags and 120 stickers.

Sign-up forms were sent in the recently utility billing and are also available on the front table near the Police department just through the west doors of the Community Services Center at 416 9th Street, or by CLICKING HERE.

Again, the deadline for purchase of the virtual flags, along with appliance & electronic stickers, is Tuesday, September 8th.



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