Valley Pullers Give Donation To NCC; NCC Earmarks It For Scholarships, Equipment

Sheldon, Iowa — Northwest Iowa Community College has received a donation from an organization they helped out this summer, and the money will go towards scholarships and equipment.

Northwest Iowa Community College officials tell us that the Valley Pullers, Inc. recently gave $3,000 to the college, in appreciation for the volunteer hours the Heavy Equipment Operation and Maintenance program provided to the annual Thunder in the Valley event, held on July 7-8, 2023 in Rock Valley.

Northwest Iowa Community College received two checks from the Valley Pullers, Inc. One check for $2,000 will be used to fund two – $1,000 scholarships for students who are enrolled in the areas of Diesel Technology, Automotive & Light Duty Diesel Technology, Heavy Equipment Operation and Maintenance, Engineering Design, Design Technology, Production Welding, or Advanced Welding Technology and are residents of the immediate area surrounding Rock Valley. The other check for $1,000 will be used to purchase new hand-tools and other needs of the NCC Heavy Equipment program.

Rich Rozeboom, President & Promotion Director for the Thunder in the Valley event says, “It takes a lot of volunteers to pull an event of this magnitude off, and we are so thankful that the students from the Heavy Equipment program continually help us. The amount of hours they put in is critical to our success. Additionally, we also want to thank NCC for allowing us the opportunity to work with the college, and students, and the use of various pieces of equipment.”

