Village Achieves CARF Accreditation

Village logoSheldon, Iowa — Village Northwest Unlimited in Sheldon has received a three-year accreditation by the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities, or CARF, for their Community Employment Services – Employment Supports, Community Employment Services – Job Development, Community Housing, Community Integration, Employee Development Services, Organizational Employment Services, and Supported Living programs.

This accreditation represents the highest level of accreditation that can be awarded to an organization and shows the Village’s substantial conformance to the CARF standards.

Lisa Johnson is Director of Development at Village Northwest Unlimited, and she talks about the requirements to receive the CARF accreditation.

Johnson says that the CARF review is a peer-review process, involving people from other organizations similar to Village Northwest.

She described the actual review as a pretty intense three days.

Johnson says the CARF Survey Report included a list of 22 strengths as identified by the CARF survey team. The report stated, “Staff members embody the mission of the organization, demonstrating the desire to provide purpose, privacy, and dignity for persons served in each interaction. Coaches and others working directly with persons served receiving vocational services are patient, encouraging, and respectful as they provide training and job supports.”

Village Northwest Unlimited is a nonprofit organization located in Sheldon, that has been providing services to adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities, traumatic brain injury, and autism spectrum disorder since 1975.




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