Vintage Motorcycle Cruise Draws 60+ Bikes For Sheldon Event

Sheldon, Iowa — A Vintage Motorcycle Cruise that has been in the planning stages for months came to fruition Thursday night when more than 60 bikes and their riders gathered in Sheldon.

Greg De Jong is one of the organizers of the event, and he says the group staged behind the new Perspective Insurance building in eastern Sheldon. The bikers departed from that location at about 6:15 pm, in a parade formation, riding through Sheldon, eventually gathering in the parking lot of Langer’s, on Business 60, where the bikes were put on display to give people an opportunity for a closer look, before processing back to the ride’s starting point.

De Jong says the idea was to create a fun event and gathering of vintage mini-bikes, motor scooters and motorcycles, many of which otherwise just sit in storage, without the opportunity to be appreciated and remembered. He says there is a worldwide craze for vintage mini-bikes. He says they’re coming out of groves and buildings and being restored. And he says, bikes that sold new for $300 back in the day, are now selling for $3,000.

De Jong says organizers of the event had initially hoped to draw 35 bikes to the event, but the final tally came in somewhere north of 60 bikes that took part in Thursday night’s event.

De Jong says they hope to make the Vintage Motorcycle/Mini-Bike Cruise an annual event, perhaps even expanding to other, similar events throughout the course of the summer.

Below are some images from Thursday night’s Vintage Motorcycle Cruise event in Sheldon…………….

Photos by KIWA Staff
