Sheldon, Iowa — Do you plan to retire someday? Most of us do, but will you have enough money and investments to keep you going? That’s the topic of an upcoming workshop in Sheldon.

Iowa State University Extension and Outreach is putting on the free ‘Welcome to Retirement: Will you be ready?’ “lunch and learn” on Tuesday, September 13th, 2016, from noon to 1 p.m., at the Pizza Ranch in Sheldon.
We talked to Jan Monahan, who is the workshop presenter and is employed by ISU Extension and Outreach as a human sciences specialist in family finance. She tells us about the workshop.
She tells that the workshop includes a hands-on activity that enables participants to get a taste of all the variables that affect retirement well-being.
She says some participants come away reassured that they are on the right track, while others leave with motivation to step up their retirement savings.
One of the variables you’ll have to take into account in retirement planning is how long you will live. Monahan says there’s even a tool for that.
She says they’ll also have a number of brochures and other resources available for you to take home.
The ‘Welcome to Retirement: Will you be ready?’ lunch and learn workshop is free to all participants, thanks to the sponsorship of the O’Brien County Extension Council. To reserve lunch and materials, please register to the ISU Extension and Outreach – O’Brien County office at 712-957-5045 or by September 12. Questions can be directed to Monahan at 712-336-3488 or
Monahan says the O’Brien County Extension Office will be providing two more related workshops too.
Again, contact the Extension office for more information.