Wild Turkey Count Is Underway

Statewide, Iowa — The Iowa DNR is in the midst of its annual wild turkey count and is looking for some help. Wildlife Biologist, Jim Coffey, leads the survey.

He says the population has been pretty strong.

You could see wild turkeys in a variety of places.

Coffey says the turkeys like that overhead cover to protect them from predators. You are most likely to see hens, which will gather together in groups to watch over the young birds.

Coffey says they typically see 50 thousand wild turkey licenses purchased each year — but most hunters never bag a bird.

Coffey says they consistently see from 11 to 12 thousand wild turkeys harvested in the springtime each year. He says they have a fall season, but it is not as popular among hunters. To learn more about wild turkey hunting or to report your turkey sighting, go to the turkey hunting portion of the Iowa DNR’s website. The turkey survey lasts through August.



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