Will All This Snow Cause Flooding?

Northwest Iowa — There’s about a foot to two feet of snow cover right now in northern Iowa — more as you go east. State Climatologist Justin Glisan says there’s a “moderate to major” risk of flooding as the snow that’s piled up in Iowa begins to melt.

A rainstorm would be most worrisome, according to Glisan, as the snow would melt and be swept into rivers and streams. The best scenario — in more ways than one — is warmer temperatures.

And those 30- and 40-degree days are in the forecast for late this week. Saturday’s high in Sheldon is forecast to be 34 degrees.

Iowa temperature and rainfall records date back to 1873. Snowfall measurements in Iowa date back to 1887. Glisan says like many meteorologists, he’s conflicted about this winter’s weather. As a scientist, he’s fascinated by the snowfall records, but to him personally, the impact isn’t all that exciting.

The forecast indicates there’s a chance for snow again Wednesday night and Thursday, and again Friday night through Saturday night.



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