Roller Coaster Weather Today

Get ready for a roller coaster ride today. Warm and windy conditions are expected this morning before a strong front moves through this afternoon. Wind gusts up to 45 – 50 mph may be possible later this afternoon and evening. Temperatures will drop through the night, with 30s likely by Thursday morning. Unsettled weather continues with multiple rain chances into early next week.

Gusty southerly winds will start the day, but winds will change to the northwest this afternoon and evening. Gusts may top 45 mph at times in the region. These winds will only slowly dissipate this evening.

A big change in temperatures is on the way. Highs on Wednesday afternoon will reach the uper 70s to 80s in many areas. However, by daybreak Thursday, temperatures will be hovering in the lower 30s. This will mean that we’re expecting over a 50 degree drop in the wind chill values from Wednesday afternoon to Thursday morning. Are you ready?

Iowa DOT Road Conditions: CLICK HERE

For Iowa DOT Plow Map: CLICK HERE

Minnesota DOT Road Conditions: CLICK HERE

South Dakota DOT Road Conditions: CLICK HERE

Nebraska DOT Road Conditions: CLICK HERE 

North Dakota DOT Road Conditions: CLICK HERE

Missouri DOT Road Conditions: CLICK HERE

Illinois DOT Road Conditions: CLICK HERE

