Work Is On-Schedule For New Sioux Center High School

Sioux Center, Iowa — About 13 months ago, ground was broken on a $39.6 million project in Sioux Center — a new public high school. We had a chance to talk to a Sioux Center School Board member and get an update.

Scott Te Strote is on the Sioux Center School Board. He tells us that the project, which is hoped to be finished by June 2021 is going well.

(as said:) “It is right on schedule, which is awesome. You know all the big stuff is done. I’m going to say the big construction cranes and all that stuff. And now they’re putting up all the drywall and you know, the rest of the project is all inside the building if you will. So, a lot of cement is poured in the parking lots and ground’s getting leveled. Starting to take shape. So looks good.”

Te Strote tells us that students will be attending high school there a year from now.

(as said:) “We called it a four-school solution because at our elementary I don’t think you could fit another little body in there. So the elementary right now is TK through fourth grade that will go to TK through second, and then our current middle school, which currently is fifth through eighth will go to third through fifth. And our current high school will now be sixth through eighth. So everybody’s moving and hopefully, that gives us . . . We’ve got room to grow. It’s a big deal.”

A $24.9 million bond issue for the project was approved by district voters in February 2019.



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