Zzzzz…Iowa’s Sleepiest Mammal

The thirteen-lined ground squirrel (Spermophilus tridecemlineatus), colloquially known as “squinnies” in Iowa spends more of the year asleep than awake.

Adult thirteen-lined ground squirrels typically enter hibernation in August or September and emerge in April. Females may stay out longer in the fall than the males and the young of the year will remain out longer than the adults. The thirteen-lined ground squirrel is fairly easy to identify as, true to their name, they have a series of lines running down their back. Historically they are a prairie species, but they have adapted well to pastures, hayfields, ditches, etc. In fact, because they prefer shorter grass, they are known to do well on golf courses, grazed pastures, and mowed roadsides. During the summer they are relatively easy to spot on roadsides.

To learn more about the mammals of Iowa, download or buy the Mammals of Iowa Field Guide.



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