Cornhole Boards

3 Sets of Orab table or desk top cornhole sets. Each set includes a black and orange board with Orab decals and orange and black bean bags.

2 Sets of flowered table or desk top corn hole sets. Each set includes 2 pastel colored boards with flowered decals and pastel bean bags.

Great Graduation Gifts. $30.00 each

Call 712-324-4827 or 712-348-2344


Auctioneer ticket file box

For sale: Auctioneer ticket file box. Pre-numbered 1-240 horizontal slots. Made of walnut, double hinged box with brass hardware and luggage

2 weaned 8 week old cockatiels

For sale: 2 weaned 8-week-old cockatiels. Believed to be 1 female and 1 male based on markings and behavior, but no

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