KIWA Marketplace for December 6

For Marketplace Plus:

Hatfield 410 automatic shotgun

3-point grinder blade

Giveaway: Tiny nine-week-old kitten

For Sale:

Weight bench with accessories. Asking for $75. 712-470-2452

Two Eyoyo fishing cameras. One comes with a nine-inch screen and the other comes with a seven-inch screen. Also for sale, a two-man insulated ice shack. 712-261-5666

Concertina. Also for sale a brown Lazy Boy recliner. 712-472-3811

2016 Chevy Traverse. It comes with all-wheel drive, it has 86,500 miles on it. Call, or text 712-578-9407

LX9 Marcum fish finder. It is in excellent shape and ready for ice fishing. 470-0985

Mature Muscovy ducks. 712-470-0348


A good electric stove. 712-441-3129

Anvil. Something between 75 and 150 pounds. It should be in good shape. 540-7479


Love seat. 712-470-2452

Foodie Friday:

It’s National Microwave Oven Day!

The history of the microwave can be traced back to 1940 where the cavity magnetron tube was invented at Birmingham University in England by physicists. The tube was originally used to detect enemy ships and aircrafts during World War II.


Auctioneer ticket file box

For sale: Auctioneer ticket file box. Pre-numbered 1-240 horizontal slots. Made of walnut, double hinged box with brass hardware and luggage

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