4 male Mastiff Poodle Mix Puppies. They were 8 weeks on Thursday, January 19, have had their first round of shots, and come with a Vet checkup and Health Record Card. Must have the financial ability to care for a large breed dog. Text 712-330-9570
KIWA Marketplace Plus | Mastiff Poodle Puppies
4 male Mastiff Poodle Mix Puppies. They were 8 weeks on Thursday, January 19, have had their first round of shots, and come with a Vet checkup and Health Record Card. Must have the financial ability to care for a large breed dog. Text 712-330-9570
For sale: Auctioneer ticket file box. Pre-numbered 1-240 horizontal slots. Made of walnut, double hinged box with brass hardware and luggage
For Sale: Dr. Seuss T-shirts for Dr. Seuss week. Asking for $4 each. 712-348-3722
For sale: 2 weaned 8-week-old cockatiels. Believed to be 1 female and 1 male based on markings and behavior, but no
This is a very clean and low mileage bike! Only 10,345 miles! This has been gone through thoroughly and just serviced,
Northwest Iowa — The second and final payment of your 2024-25 property taxes (also called real estate taxes) is due. County
411 9th St. | Sheldon, IA 51201
Office: 712-324-2597 | Text: 712-324-2597 | Studio: 712-324-5377
Contact us: newstips@kiwaradio.com