KIWA Marketplace For July 21st

KIWA Marketplace is on KIWA FM 105.3 Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 9:15 am

Call during the program at 712-324-5377, text 712-324-2597, or email

All items and garage sales called/texted/emailed in will be added to this web page

For Sale:

Desk in good condition (29” x 59” x 28”) ($45.00), Oversize  Recliner Power Chair (Non Rocking) ($200.00) Brown cloth material in good condition. (42” x 57” x 40”), TV Stand only, in good condition (17.5” x 43.5” x 23”) ($50.00), Space Heater only, in good condition (17” x 40” x 34”) with storage. ($125.00), 2pc Hutch only, with light in good condition (17” x 54” x 78”) ($150.00), Table with 6 Chairs with 2 inserts in good condition. ($150.00) Call if interested — 479-644-8633

15 ft Starcraft fishing boat with 15 hp Johnson motor with electric start. Nice trailer with 14 inch tires. Depth finder – $1700.00 for boat package. — 712-348-6607

JD 920 Flex Bean Head with Cart — 712-470-5220

Brown wicker patio set. 4 chairs, table, stand and umbrella – 712-441-7041

Steel T-post and 16 foot cattle stockade panels – 441- 7041

1960’s Sears garden tractor 2 wheel cart- 712-230-0060

1986 Chevy school bus with AC and plenty of storage space asking $2,995. Two 8,000 watt generators $600 dollars each. A 4,000 watt generator $400 dollars. Two Poulin chain saws $75 dollars each. – 712-260-8573


Garage Sale:


20 Midland CB radios with chargers. Some of them work. Great toys for kids!! 712-324-1010


KIWA Marketplace for February 10th

For Marketplace Plus: 4-, 6-, and 8-playher wahoo board games Ford Tractor 4.5-foot octagon tiki bar Eskimo 2-man thermal ice shack

KIWA Marketplace for February 6th

For Marketplace Plus: Antique black cast iron cook stove. BBQ wood smoker and grill Large hot tub Giveaway: Queen headboard and

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Shared Love Stories

Tis the season of love, and KIWA wants you to share your love story with our listeners. One lucky couple will