For Marketplace Plus:
Westendorf wagon gear with six-bolt wheels.
For Sale:

3 bar coil tine barrow. It came off a 28 foot Case IH disc. $300. Does not include a mounting arm. 712-229-6305
Kelly Ryan manure spreader. 100 bushels. 712-540-2874
8-week old lab and siberian mixed husky. 712-260-6279
Small wagon load of ear corn. Will sell so much a bushel, pending on market price. Can be delivered within a reasonable distance; Two pieces of white farm equipment: the first is a 5-bottom plow the other is an IH 470 tandem disc with new blades and is 20 feet wide. 540-7479
Two flare box wagons with hoist. They are $350 each. 712-395-2346
7,200 John Deere air planter. $6,500. 260-4977
Case IH 800, or 900 4- or 6-row corn planter in working condition. 540-7479
Knowledge Nugget:
A study found that you should send emails at 9:15 a.m. Tuesday morning if you want someone to read them and reply quickly. Most people respond to incoming emails in the order they arrive, giving no more priority to an email from their boss than from someone they don’t know.
The researchers also said a good time to get an email read and responded to would be at 9:15 a.m. on a Tuesday, because the worker will have dealt with a backlog of mail from over the weekend and be looking at things as they come in.