KIWA Marketplace for April 11

For Marketplace Plus:

20-foot bale elevator.

Free tires.

For Sale:

Small electric chain saw for $25; electric start snow blower $125; 2 pool ques in a case for $40

2,000-gallon insulated storage tank. 712-441-3129

16” Skid Steer tires. 324-4871

Steel corn cribbing panels that are good for a chicken coop runs, or a gardening fence, or anything else similar. 712-470-0348

John Deere lawn mower 100 series. It has a 30” cut. It also has a new battery, it is in good shape and has been stored inside. 712-540-8196

225 good Morgan silver dollars; 10 2 ½ dollar Indian gold pieces. 395-0165

55-gallon steel barrels and 55-gallon plastic barrels. 712-324-1015

Wooden Presota beam. 9”-17”-22 feet long. 712-281-0736

Six automatic transmissions out of older Chevy pickups if anyone is wanting one to rebuild. $50 a piece, or ask about a packaged deal. 712-441-3434


Cowboy hat. Preferably size 7 ¼ 395-0165

Used on-road, or off-road motorcycle. 250 CC. 712-324-1015

18” RCP (reinforced concrete pipe). 712-320-1906

Rear mounted blade, preferably between eight and nine feet in length. 1-507-841-0344

Used Yamaha gas golf cart. 470-0985

Dozen feeder pigs. 441-2047

Lost and Found:

Found: A cell phone on gravel road south of Hope Reformed Church near George this past Friday. If it is yours, please call 712-470-0985

Knowledge Nugget:

 Scientists say a bacon sandwich cures a hangover by boosting the level of something called amines, which clear the head.


KIWA Marketplace for March 10th

For Marketplace Plus: Three captain’s chairs For Sale: 55-gallon steel barrels. 712-324-4871 Bearcat #950 grinder/mixer. It is in excellent shape and

KIWA Marketplace for March 7th

For Marketplace Plus: Three captian’s chairs For Sale: 50 gold pieces and rolls of silver. 395-0165 Round bales of hay. Can

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