KIWA Marketplace is on KIWA FM 105.3 Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 9:15 am
Call during the program at 712-324-5377, text 712-324-2597, or email
All items and garage sales called/texted/emailed in will be added to this web page

For Sale:
2008 150cc scooter, 2300 actual miles, good plastic, new battery, runs good. Call or text 712-324-1316
(9) FEIT Electric ECOBULBS. 120 V (uses 23 W) 1300 Lumens. Weatherproof. Indoor/Outdoor CFL Spot/Flood lights. Make Offer. Will sell separately. Text or leave message. 712-631-0490.
2 full glass used stormdoors for sale. 32 by 80 and 36 by 80. Newkirk 752 8188. Leave message if no answer
wooden 16 ft long cattle feed bunks 712-261-3698 – $25/ea by Alton
small portable generator 900w – $75, chest fishing waidders $30 each, fishing sinkers — 712-324-3005
A pair of 15.5 – 38 tires and tubes. Will separate. Call 515-360-5175 in Ashton
Round hog feeder, 1.5 or 2 ton with lid, farm cats — 712-348-4991
03-04 Toyota Corolla any condition, 35 ton self contained wood splitter, Building able to move 30×40 — 712-320-1906
Coin Collection – 230-0238
Galvanized single wash tubs with legs – 712-395-2501
Garage Sale:
There will be a FREE Garage sale this Saturday from 8am to 3:30-4pm at 413 oak Street Sheldon. Most everything is free, so please come down grab what you need or even grab what you Don’t need. Come take a look. Many nicknacks figurines too many items to mention.
Thursday 12-6, Friday 3-6, Saturday 9-12, 607 E. Michigan Ave. in George Ia
Lost Cat- Black with white spot on his chest and neck – Oscar – $100 reward — 712-324-1482