KIWA Marketplace is on KIWA FM 105.3 Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 9:15 am
Call during the program at 712-324-5377, text 712-324-2597, or email
All items and garage sales called/texted/emailed in will be added to this web page

For Sale:
Ride Horse, like new – $75.00 — 712-441-5274
2017 Yamaha Zuma moped 50cc. 939 local one owner miles. Excellent condition — 712-348-1466
For sale an older flat screen tv asking 10 dollars, For sale a nipco heater it’s ready heater brand and 40000 btu asking 50 dollars, For sale 2 stands with drawers for front load washer and dryers asking 75 dollars each or take them both for 120 dollars — For more information please call or text 712 470 5472
2007 Clipper FD 20′ Camper 116S – $3,500.00 furnace, 2 way refrigerator, sleeps 6 Cooking stove, water tank, rear stabilizer jacks Propane tank In good condition: Storage areas sealed tight. In Parents storage building, selling because Son is a teenager and doesn’t like camping. Call Parents: 712-348-4413 Located in Sheldon Cash only: Pick up in Sheldon
Picket fencing, at least 3ft high — 712-727-3488
Portable basketball hoop — 605-351-3626
Looking for a large camping tent and a gas bbq grill and a cheap car $500 or less close to sibley — 712-363-6573
electric stove — 605-351-3626
Found a couple of weeks ago: A set of bean plates that appear to be for a Case IH 1250 16-row planter. Plates were found on 360th Street between Highway 60 and Lily Ave. If you’re missing your plates or know anyone with a planter that fits that description please contact 712-230-2286.