KIWA Marketplace is on KIWA FM 105.3 Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 9:15 am
Call during the program at 712-324-5377, text 712-324-2597, or email
All items and garage sales called/texted/emailed in will be added to this web page

For Sale:
2 excellent near new lawnmowers, 22 inch cut push mowers – $85 Each, Small engine repair 344-0524
Super M Farmall tractor – $3,000 – 712-441-5041
Remington Ranger II convertible Electric Saw. Chainsaw/pole saw. New in box. $50.00 — 712-754-2097
White garage fridge. Bottom Freezer doesn’t work, but fridge does. $25 in Hospers — 712-395-1406
5 yellow lab puppies 2 males 3 females shots and dewclaws done be ready week of may l0th — 712-324-1111
Raw honey right out of the comb, Ireton area, 6 different sizes of bottles, 5 wheel barrels full of apple, pear and sour cherry wood — 712-278-2304
2 sets of rear tractor tires, 16.9×34, 16.9×38 — 712-540-7479
coin collection 230-0328
older ford windstar minivan — 3950-0165
front end loader for a 1600 Oliver — Call Paul at 712-395-0154
trade my 06 chrysler town and country van for a 4 door car — 712-363-6573
old farmhouse screen door in decent shape — 712-461-1741
Very well behaved house cat needs a new home, front paws declawed, up to date on shots, 10 years old, house trained, black in color, all food and accessories go along with cat. Please call 712-470-3978.