For Sale:

55-gallon steel barrels and 55-gallon plastic barrels. 712-324-1015
Wooden Presota beam. 9”-17”-22 feet long. 712-281-0736
Power washer. $40. 324-3005
Six automatic transmissions out of older Chevy pickups if anyone is wanting one to rebuild. $50 a piece, or ask about a packaged deal. 712-441-3434
New Idea disc mower. It has a 9-foot bar and is in excellent condition. Also, a pair of John Deere rims for a 3020 tractor. 712-344-9185
Two John Deere garden tractors; One is a 430 with deck and PTO tiller, the other is a 322 with hydraulic tiller. 712-230-0060
6-volt solar new electric fencer. 25 mile Par Mak. 712-738-2442
2,000-gallon stainless steel insulated storage tank. 712-441-3129
Set of four tires. The brand is Super Swamper. Came off a 1 ton Ford truck. They were used for spraying in a corn and bean field. Asking $280 for the set. 1-507-841-0344
Used on-road, or off-road motorcycle. 250 CC. 712-324-1015
18” RCP (reinforced concrete pipe). 712-320-1906
Rear mounted blade, preferably between eight and nine feet in length. 1-507-841-0344
Used Yamaha gas golf cart. 470-0985
Dozen feeder pigs. 441-2047
Front end weights for Case tractors. Weight brackets for IH 1066 tractors. 540-7479
Gun collection and/or a golf cart. 395-0165
Lost and Found:
Found: A cell phone on gravel road south of Hope Reformed Church near George this past Friday. If it is yours, please call 712-470-0985
Knowledge Nugget:
Research shows that a spider can hear what you’re doing from over ten feet away. [So you might want to step into the other room to roll up that magazine.]