KIWA Marketplace For August 9th

KIWA Marketplace is on KIWA FM 105.3 Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 9:15 am

Call during the program at 712-324-5377, text 712-324-2597, or email

All items and garage sales called/texted/emailed in will be added to this web page

For Sale:

simplicity 0-turn mower 54 inch deck 24hp Briggs motor only 280 hours excellent condition – 712 229 3056

4 male chinchillas $125 each no cages Hartley text 712-221-9100

Grey Boat Cover. It is brand new and 99% been kept inside out of the elements. Straps are included and asking $90.00. Heavy Duty 600D Bass Boat Cover Marine Grade Trailerable PVC Cover, Fits V-Hull, Sri-Hull Runabouts. Fits 17’-19’ — 479-644-8633

$4,600 – 1998 Honda Goldwing 1500 SE. Kuryakyn Iso-Grips & Ergo Tour Mounts. Markland armrests. Adjustable passenger floorboards. New front tire & battery: Spring 2021. Nice light package. 46,650 miles. Rock Valley, IA Call or Text: 712-470-5220

set of 4 GM six bolt custom rims, used very little, 6 months old, never on in the winter $150 each with lug nuts OBO – 712-541-5236


Garage Sale:

Garage sale at 628 5th Ave Thursday and Friday from 8-6. Tables of stuff I didn’t have out before all with low prices.



KIWA Marketplace for February 26th

For Sale: 55-gallon steel barrels – 712-324-4871 For more for sale items, complete with pictures, visit the KIWA Marketplace Plus page. Wanted: