KIWA Marketplace For February 19th

KIWA Marketplace is on KIWA FM 105.3 Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 9:15 am

Call during the program at 712-324-5377, text 712-324-2597, or email

All items and garage sales called/texted/emailed in will be added to this web page

For Sale:

2006 Yukon Denali in nice shape — 712-470-0464

Brand new hayfeild window from MLC. Never used! Size 19×13 – $25 with free delivery!!! — 712-221-9027

77 Ford pickup, runs well, 351 M motor, 3 speed transmission, decent rubber – $1200 OBO – 712-449-5543


reliable person to house and pet sit for 8 days and nights in March. Large friendly dog that loves car rides and cat. Pays well – 712-539-2061 or 712-348-6363.

Looking for a golf partner for the early Tuesday league, Sheldon Golf Course for 2020 season — 712-541-4255

84 inch loader bucket to fit quick tach westendorf loader, 220 roorda spreader or any parts that fit — 712-540-7479



KIWA Marketplace for January 10

For Marketplace Plus: Giveaway: Two free lionhead rabbits Baby exersaucer activity center For Sale: Lady’s pair of black slacks. They are

KIWA Marketplace for January 8

For Marketplace Plus: Auctioneer ticket file box For Sale: Demco brand autoslide fifth wheel camper hitch and mounting hardware. Asking for

KIWA Marketplace for January 7

For Marketplace Plus: Two cockatiels with cage and toys. For Sale: Almond colored electric stove. 712-470-3527 Auctioneer ticket file box. Pre-numbered

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