KIWA Marketplace for February 26

For Marketplace Plus:

Women’s Columbia Coat with Omni Heat. Size small.

Small dorm fridge, small microwave, Baggallini purse and a WeatherTech mat for a Honda CRV.

For Sale:

Three tables and one student desk, call Lyle at 712-631-0899 after 12:30 p.m.

2004 Ford F150 Supercab. 262,000 miles. Box is rusty, but it still runs good. $2,000. 712-348-2506


Old candles to melt down. Also looking for any type of led. Can be off of roof flashings, or any pipes. 324-3005

Knowledge Nugget:

The Very Large Telescope in Chile has discovered the brightest object known, a quasar called J0529-4351 at a galaxy’s center. This quasar is powered by a black hole 17 billion times heavier than our sun, which devours an amount of mass equal to our sun daily.

Quasars are formed by black holes rapidly absorbing surrounding matter, releasing vast amounts of light as the material is accelerated and shredded.


KIWA Marketplace for February 6th

For Marketplace Plus: Antique black cast iron cook stove. BBQ wood smoker and grill Large hot tub Giveaway: Queen headboard and

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