For Marketplace Plus:
Queen head board and foot board.
2014 H & H tandem axel cargo trailer
For Sale:

Small square straw bales, small square hay bales, 5-ton wagon gear and firewood. 712-344-9185
Mint condition love seat. 324-2994
Pair of rear duals for Case tractors. They are 18.4 X 38 with a 10-bolt hub and come with a 3 1/2″ axel. Asking for $1,000. 540-7479
Construction tools starting on Friday, February 7th, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Saturday, February 8th, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. The location is Uittenbogaard Construction at 500 North 2nd Ave. in Sheldon. It is across the road of east Hills Park.
Side dump work for manure, rock, or cement. 330-9417
Used Casita RM, or Scamp RV trailer. 712-324-1015
Knowledge Nugget:
If you’re focusing on your eating habits in 2025, then be mindful of the clock striking 2:41 p.m. A survey of 2,000 Americans found that 2:41 p.m. is the specific time of day when willpower is most tested and cravings strike hardest.
The study also found that we spend 40 minutes per day thinking about food. The flavors we crave most often are sweet at 79 percent, salty at 54 percent and spice at 45 percent.