KIWA Marketplace For February 7th

KIWA Marketplace is on KIWA FM 105.3 Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 9:15 am

Call during the program at 712-324-5377, text 712-324-2597, or email

All items and garage sales called/texted/emailed in will be added to this web page

For Sale:

Homemade Hunting Knife Full tang D2, 3 1/2″ blade, riveted Micarta handle – $125 w/sheath — 712-348-5790

round bales of grass hay – 712-348-1600

5 ft x 10ft enclosed trailer in nice shape – 712-470-0348

King size bed — 712-324-0111 or 344-1601

800 JD self propelled windrower — 712-540-7479

O’Brien County SWCD has trees for sale for April pickup. 2 gallon Black Hills Spruce – $18.00/ ea. , Norway Spruce & Meyer Spruce – $16.00/ea. Cost Share is available through the REAP program if eligible. Please call 712-957-3835 ext. #3.

40/20 JD Gas tractor rear weights, miller loader, small square grass bales that have been shedded — 605-366-9030

2003 JD Field cultivator 33 1/2 wide, shedded — $12,500 OBO — 712-261-0867


round bale spear for WL42 westendorf – 712-540-7479

Used concrete hog or cattle slats — 712-261-3698

cheap car for a family member $500 or less — 712-363-6573



KIWA Marketplace for February 14th

For Sale: 9.6 cubic feet Kenmore refridgerator/freezer. 712-324-4220 Multiple items. Alfalfa hay. 1st, 2nd and 3rd cuttings available. Just good, quality

KIWA Marketplace for February 10th

For Marketplace Plus: 4-, 6-, and 8-playher wahoo board games Ford Tractor 4.5-foot octagon tiki bar Eskimo 2-man thermal ice shack