For Sale:

Demco brand Autoslide 5th wheel camper hitch and mounting hardware. Asking $1,050 obo. Also for sale, an entertainment center. Asking $100 obo. Also for sale, around 275 square feet of laminate flooring. Asking $225 obo. For more information please call, or text 712-470-5472.
Mini mixed breed puppies. 712-541-4991
Pellet forks you can put on a loader on a tractor. 712-441-3129
Small square straw bales, small square hay bales, firewood, 5-ton wagon gear and a 1983 Ford van. 712-344-9185
Lost and Found:
Lost: Dog. Last seen near George this past Monday. If found, please call 712-587-6298
Knowledge Nugget:
It’s National Hot Buttered Rum Day!
Hot buttered rum is a mixed drink containing rum, butter, hot watter or cider, a swetener and various spices. It is especially popular in the fall and winter months and is traditionally associated with the holiday season.
In the United States, hot buttered rum dates back to colonial days. During that time many families had their own recipes and early Americans believed rum to be nutrious and a strengthener of the body.